Canada Day Guinea Pig Tricks and Fun!

Did you know July 1st, 2017, marks Canada’s official 150th birthday? I didn’t know what that meant right away, but the human seemed to think we should do something special for this year in particular. Being Canadian piggies, our human gets us to raise a mini Canadian flag a lot, but this year, she had something different in mind. She brought out a ton of jumps and obstacles of all kinds, all red and white!

In the mix was our Canadian flag (of course), red skateboard, red basketball net, red and white jumps…. the whole deal. She also brought a ton of veggies!!!

Ceico and I had a blast with our veggie eating day (err….I mean Canada Day), and it turned out to be lots of fun. I raised a Canadian flag, ate veggies, rode my skateboard, ate veggies, beat Ceico at basketball, and ate more veggies….. You get the idea, right? It was awesome! We got to show off all our best tricks and be patriotic at the same time! (And eat lots of lettuce!)

Here are some sneak peek snapshots from our trick day.

Playing basketball with Ceico!
Ceico tidying up. I helped him finish the job.
Putting a ball into that tiny red bowl takes a lot of accuracy!
Being patriotic with my very own miniature flag.

If you want to see our Canada themed trick video, you can check it out below. My human put all our best tricks from the day into an organized video to wish all the Canadian piggies and humans out there a happy 150th Canada Day!

Hope you enjoyed our video and had just as much fun this Canada Day as we did!

Thanks for reading my latest adventure!


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